第二人生遊戲 – 交談時常用的英文 Chat Words

On 2008年12月17日 by 邱天仙 James

初進 第二人生 的玩家, 往往會在看到別人交談時, 出現一堆莫名其妙的 Chat Words, 諸如 lol, yw, afk 之類.. 在遊戲陌生, 英文又不太靈光的情形下, 往往受到的打擊可想而知, 因此把一些可能常碰到的 Chat Words 列出來大家參考~

afk away from keyboard
b/c because
b-day birthday
b4 before
bbb bye bye baby
bbl be back later
bbs be back soon
bf boy friend
bff best friends forever
brb be right back
btw by the way
byp beg your pardon
bz busy
c see
cm call me
cmm change(d) my mind
comp computer
conv conversation
cu see you
cul see you later
cuz because
cya see you
cyl see you later
cym change your mind
da the
dat that
diff different
dint didn’t
diz this
d/l download
dont don’t
dunno don’t know
duz does
duznt doesn’t
e1 everyone
er1 everyone
evry every
evry1 everyone
ez easy
fu follow up
fyeo for your eyes only
g2g got to go
g2gp got to go pee
gb god bless
gf girl friend
gimme give me
gj good job
gl good luck
gm good morning
gn good night
go2 go to
gotcha got you
gr8 great
h8 hate
h/o hold on
hb hurry back
hf have fun
hw homework
hud how you doing?
idk i don’t know
igtg i got to go
ilu i love you
imo in my opinion
ino i know
iono i don’t know
iow in other words
iyss if you say so
j/a just asking
j/k just joking
j/p just playing
j/w just wondering
jam just a minute
jas just a second
jc just chillin
jj just joking
jk just kidding
k okay
kinda kind of
kit keep in touch
kno know
l8 late
l8r later
lasa loser
leta later
lm love me
lmk let me know
lol laugh out loud
ly love you
m am
m/b my bad
mbn must be nice
me2 me too
min minute
msg message
mtg meeting
myob mind your own business
mys miss you so
n in or and (depending on context)
n/m not much
n2n nice to know
n2m not too much
ndbwy nice doing business with you
nm never mind
no1 no one
np no problem
ntmu nice to meet you
nv envy
nvm never mind
oic oh, i see
oom out of mind
outta out of
pic picture
plmk please let me know
pls please
plz please
pmp pee my pants
prob problem
probly probably
ppl people
qt cutie
ques question
r are
rbay right back at you
rem remember
rm room
sds sweet dreams
sec second
some1 someone
sorta sort of
spoz suppose
sry sorry
ss so sorry
stw scared to watch
su shut up
sul see you later
syah sending you a hug
syak sending you a kiss
ta to
taw take a walk
tc take care
tho though
thx thanks
ttyl talk to you later
turt take your time
ty thank you
tyvm thank you very much
u you
uno you know
urs yours
urself yourself
w8 wait
w/ with
w/e whatever
w-end weekend
w/o without
wb welcome back
wcul will catch you later
whoz who is
wnwu what’s new with you
wru who are you
wtg way to go
xcuz excuse
xlnt excellent
xoxoxo hugs and kises
y why
y/o years old
ya you
yanno you know?
yep yes
yr year
yrs years
yt you there
yvw you’re very welcome
yw you’re welcome

James 邱天仙 2008.12.17

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